Tallahassee Criminal Defense Attorneys
Probation Concern? Contact Our Probation Attorneys For AdviceViolation of Probation
Violations of probation cases are very serious as any time there is a violation of probation, it exposes the individual to the maximum sentence for each case that was violated. As an example, if a Tallahassee probation officer claims you violated probation on a grand theft charge, even though there may have been no jail time on the original sentence, you could be sentenced up to 5 years in prison for a violation of probation on the Grand Theft. It is important to contact a Tallahassee Criminal Defense Attorney if it is alleged that you violated your probation so that your attorney can start working on your case immediately. With good timing, an attorney can even get involved before a violation of probation warrant is issued by the probation officer and can negotiate on your behalf to prevent a warrant from being issued.
Contact Our Tallahassee Probation Attorneys For a Free Consultation
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