Criminal Defense - Misdemeanor Offenses
Misdemeanor offenses can still carry jail time. Our legal team can help. Call for a free case consultation.Misdemeanor Offenses
There are many misdemeanor offenses in the State of Florida with penalties ranging from 60 days in the county jail up to one year. Even though it is only a misdemeanor, it is still important to speak to an attorney to learn about the consequences a misdemeanor conviction can have. As discussed, misdemeanors can still carry jail time. In addition, charges like Driving Under the Influence (DUI) have a mandatory conviction, meaning it can never be sealed or expunged and will be on your record forever. It can also affect your driver’s license. Crimes such as Domestic Battery cannot be sealed or expunged even if you are not convicted. Some crimes are what are called “stackable” offenses meaning that misdemeanor convictions now can cause you to get charged with felonies for that conduct in the future. Examples of “Stackable” misdemeanors are Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Battery, Criminal Mischief, and Petty Theft. In Leon County, many first-time misdemeanors are eligible for a diversion program where the charges can be dismissed. It is important to speak to a Tallahassee Criminal Defense Attorney to see if you are eligible for one of these diversion programs and to see what else can be done on your case to try and minimize the effects that a misdemeanor can have.
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