Criminal Defense Attorney
Tallahassee Criminal Defense LawyersIntent to Distribute
In Florida, it is a more serious crime if you possess controlled substances and the State can prove that you intended to distribute them. Evidence about the type of packaging, the amount of drugs, or the amount of case are often used to prove the intent to sell. Drugs that are often the basis of intent to sell charges are Marijuana, Cocaine, Molly, MDMA, Bath Salts, Adderall, Riddelin, Oxycodone and Hydrocodone. All Intent to Distribute charges in Florida are felonies. Depending on the type of drug intent to sell charges can carry up to 15 years in the Department of Corrections. In addition, there are enhancements on intent to sell charges if you are within a certain distance of a school, church, or a convenience store, even if you were unaware that you were that close. These enhancements can bring the maximum penalty up to 30 years per count. It is important to contact a Tallahassee Criminal Defense Attorney now to help defend you on intent to distribute charges.
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