Personal Injury Attorney

Tallahassee Personal Injury Lawyers

Sexual assault and abuse

Sexual assault and abuse are not just committed by unknown criminals. Friends, and even family members, of the victim are sometimes the offenders. The offender also could be a guest that is on the premises with permission. Although all physical assaults can cause serious, sometimes permanent injuries, sexual assaults have additional, special considerations. The psychological and emotional health of sexual abuse or assault victims must be closely monitored and considered.

Often those who injure others by their negligence, and those responsible for them, have professional insurance adjusters and representatives guiding them and helping them navigate the claims process. Their interests are to minimize what happened and deny the claim if possible. You need and have a right to also have an advocate looking out for your interests. The lawyers at Friedman, Abrahamsen & Cruz have the experience, skill, compassion, and commitment to get you the compensation you deserve and hold those responsible accountable. If you or a loved one are a victim of an automobile accident, call Friedman, Abrahamsen & Cruz (Dial: 850-681-3540) for a free consultation about your personal injury or wrongful death case. You will speak to an attorney quickly, not just out of town telephone operators. Attorneys are available for evening and weekend consultations and we will have an attorney or staff member who speaks Spanish present if requested.


Friedman, Abrahamsen & Cruz represents victims of negligence from automobile accidents, truck accidents, boat accidents, motorcycle accidents, assaults at public establishments, assaults in residential areas, assaults and injuries at schools, injuries at child care facilities, dog bite attacks, dangerous products, elder abuse and exploitation, slip and falls and other injuries on unsafe premises, and sexual assaults, to include those that result in catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries.

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Personal Injury

• Automobile Accidents
• Trucking Accidents
• Boating Accidents
• Motorcycle Accidents
• Negligent Security
• Assaults on Premises
• Traumatic Brain Injuries
• Spinal Cord Injuries
• Abuse of Elderly
• Child Abuse
• Dog Bite Attacks
• Physical Assaults
• Sexual Assaults
• Slip and Fall
• Unsafe Public Premises
• Defective Products
• Dangerous Products
• Wrongful Death
• Construction Site Injuries
• Daycare Negligence
• Childcare Negligence
• Teacher Negligence
• Hazing Injuries
• Injuries at School
• Car Accidents
• Social Security Disability