Top-Rated Representation for Car Accident Victims in Tallahassee
If you are in need of a car accident attorney, contact our top-rated, Tallahassee based law firm for a free case consultation. Click to call or fill out our contact form below.Car Accident Attorneys – Tallahassee
A car accident can be an absolute pain to work through, especially if the damage is severe. Luckily, we can get one of our accident attorneys onto your case as soon as you need it. New technology can make cars safer, but at the same time, the onset of fancy navigation devices, smartphones, music devices, and applications and texting, make travel on our roads more dangerous than ever. Even minor impacts can cause serious injuries, depending on the physical condition of your body, the direction of the impact, the position of your body at impact, and the movement of your body at impact. There are important things that must be done quickly after a crash to protect your rights, preserve evidence that you might need later, and ensure that you are compensated fairly.
Often those who injure others by their negligence, and those responsible for them, have professional insurance adjusters and representatives guiding them and helping them navigate the claims process. Their interests are to minimize what happened and deny the claim if possible. You need and have a right to also have an advocate looking out for your interests. An accident lawyer at Friedman & Abrahamsen has the experience, skill, compassion, and commitment to get you the compensation you deserve and hold those responsible accountable. If you or a loved one are a victim of an automobile accident, get in touch with an accident attorney from Friedman & Abrahamsen (Dial: 850-681-3540) for a free consultation about your personal injury or wrongful death case. You will speak to an attorney quickly, not just out-of-town telephone operators. Our accident attorneys will be available for evening and weekend consultations and we will have an attorney or staff member who speaks Spanish present if requested.
Friedman & Abrahamsen Law represents victims of negligence from automobile accidents, truck accidents, boat accidents, motorcycle accidents, assaults at public establishments, assaults in residential areas, assaults and injuries at schools, injuries at child care facilities, dog bite attacks, dangerous products, elder abuse and exploitation, slip and falls and other injuries on unsafe premises, and sexual assaults, to include those that result in catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries.
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